
What Does Your Worship Look Like?

I haven’t done many blog posts about leading worship. It’s tough to talk about at times because as a majority, folks that lead worship at their home churches or on the road are few and far between. But let’s sit it back for a minute and think about our own worship times during the week or your home church, the times where you really praise Him… what does it look like?

Growing up, I attended the kind of church that sang 3 hymns and a special. Thank goodness our music minister liked great music, took the time to show us how hymns really were cool so that youth choir wasn’t a bore, and he along with his super talented wife took a vested interest in mentoring those of us who loved music. It helped me to realize that I could really do what I felt like God was calling me to do – shout out to Bro. Daniel & Ms. Julie- You rock!! 🙂

Since then, things have exploded on the church scene when it comes to music. My family and I now attend a church (when we aren’t serving you guys :)) that requires a production team and so much more than just a few folks that showed up early. I think it’s amazing. It hasn’t replaced anything, it’s just opened the door for more creatives to join in the worship process. Some folks aren’t singers, but they are great at running computers and graphics. Others are amazing at guitar, but they are terrible at knowing when to walk up – that’s what platform managers are for :). It takes all kinds.

So what’s your kind? What does it look like? I lead vocally and from a guitar most of the time. Could I do it by myself? Sure. But would it be the best it could be knowing there was an entire band sitting out in the crowd just waiting to use their gifts to in musical worship times? Probably not. You see, as a lead vocalist, I’m still only one of the moving parts on the platform.

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. I Cor 12:12

If you are a ‘leader’ from a platform today, you aren’t just a vocalist. You may be the tambourine player, or the bass player… it doesn’t matter. You are forming one sound to worship the Creator of music! That’s why we practice and give Him our best – we should have an out front leader that makes the decisions, and we all fall under that authority to make one sound and worship the King. We are all just one part of the called ‘body of Christ – the Church’ making up the amazing sound of praise.

So here’s the deal – we are ALL worshippers. Worship is the way we express our love and adoration for the One who drew us, redeemed us, and called us to walk in freedom. You may be an eighth grader with braces on the chess team at school – but, if you know Jesus as your Savior, you are still a worshipper.  You may be a single mom who is frazzled all the time having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel –  but, if you know Jesus as your Savior, you are still a worshipper. Worship is the place where you lay down your insecurities and failures, raise your hands and turn your heart toward the Giver of Life…

So where are you in all of this? What does your worship look like?

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