
My Friend Natalie

Alright you guys- you gotta watch this:

She’s a sweet friend of mine from back home. We’re Mississippi…

gals by nature :)She was always a little quiet- until you got to know her. Always beautiful inside and out. Your every day, all-american girl… and then she answered her calling.

She now serves in a town in the Philippines that I can’t pronounce, let alone spell. Hers are the feet on the ground as she serves with a team that wants to encourage the ‘street kids’ there into a better situation. Possibly an orphanage or some type of facility to better their situation so that they aren’t scraping for food or stealing their next meal.

I could fill up a thousand blogs talking about Natalie and the people she is serving, but what I would rather do is share with you her story and invite you to act. God doesn’t call all of us to foreign missions, but for those that He does call, we have the amazing opportunity to pray and give… by praying and giving,  you are a part of what every foreign missionary is doing- spreading the Gospel. By you assisting her in being the hands and feet, you are making a difference!

So watch the video- check out her website:

and go make a difference!



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