
Times of Refreshing

“There’s nothing more refreshing than being uplifted by other believers corporately.” -BBP

As Daniel (drums) would say, ‘copyright that, all rights reserved…’- it’s a little joke we have within the band every time one of us thinks we say something that should be remembered. I couldn’t believe more in this statement than do to this very day.

Truth be told…

when one is in front ‘leading’, especially in the places we feel like God has taken us to thus far, sometimes there’s a serious struggle within to find whatever it’s going to take to encourage people to join in corporate worship… like I said – truth be told. We look around and find those who are outwardly engaging and draw encouragement from that; sometimes you just have to – all the while, trusting God to be doing the mighty work that we KNOW He is and only He could do.

Last night, I got to experience that ‘time(s) of refreshing {that} comes from the presence of the Lord’ (Acts 3:19b) corporately with some old and new friends in Eutaw, AL. I knew that it would be a gathering of local church and community leaders as well as pastors from the southeast U.S. who are looking to sew some serious seeds in the small town; what I didn’t realize is that I would leave there so encouraged by what God is doing not just in those ministries that are casting vision and planning strategy, but in the voices that were almost shouting about the grace, the friendship we have in Jesus, how great He is – remembering how we can’t do anything we were strategizing over if He wasn’t the center.

I was able to close my eyes, stand back from the mic, and while I was still playing, there wasn’t a ‘front person’… just someone directing traffic from verse to chorus as these people, who are so desperate to see Jesus move in their community stood and raised their hands during songs we have all sung 100 times… last night, they meant more.

Forty-ish men and women, black and white, pastor and teacher, old and young, vision holders and vision receivers in an outdoor dining hall at True Vine Foundation over BBQ and praying off mammoth sized mosquitos… it was absolutely breathtaking to watch the body of Christ at work being The Church.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be recharged with vision and encouragement through the body of Christ I had the privilege to stand in front of last night. Listening to our long-time pastor and friend, John Zeller of SCORE International, share his heart to minister to the people of what is called the ‘Black Belt’ region of Alabama. Children who are predominately growing up with out fathers, mothers, guidance, a chance… love. These children – God knows every one of their names –  live right in our back doors…and yours too.  Please pray for them today – and go a step further maybe for the first time, and do something.

If you want to do home or domestic missions and don’t know where to start, I know a great little town and a couple of folks who can help you get started in Eutaw, AL.


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