
show love… summer here we come!

i havent blogged much- ok, at all- about the tornado b/c it’s seemed to have affected me even as i still sit in my same kitchen, and those that were truly effected may still be waiting for their own spaces again. a couple of years ago, i had cancer, yes, and as time has passed, i try not to ever forget those feelings- those of true urgency to have those around me know the Lord, those feelings that became so passionate when i realized that my life was ’tissue paper thin’ as i’ve heard so many speakers put it.

i’m not gonna lie, i was glad that my space wasnt hit, that isaiah and i came out of the bathroom with all of our things in tact; but as i have seen the reactions of the people here, it’s all coming back around- those feelings from being sick: we dont have time to wonder if people are being saved, we have to act! we have to show them!

Jesus said in john 13:15 ‘I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you…’ in this passage He had just finished up washing the disciples feet. i love several things about this, but my favorite is the fact that Jesus had been telling them how to conduct themselves and have a place with Him, but he went a step further: He SHOWED them by washing their feet.

as i continue to look around at what will take years to rebuild, i am constantly reminded that while i pray for my words to fall on good soil- or to be received well- i’ve got to remember that my words wont console a broken heart but my actions can bring hope, and a reminder that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

OK! all that to say, our summer as a band or maybe even the rest of this year- we are still praying through that :)- we are shoutin’ out SHOW LOVE! with a new song all about it, some new worship tunes we’ll be featuring at a few venues this summer, shirts designed with our friends at, we are gonna do whatever it takes to lift up our neighbor and remind them of the Greatest Love ever given- JESUS!

so come out and have a great time with us this summer! we kick start at atlanta fest in stone mountain, ga, and we will end with some awesome back to school rallies! check the calendar and if you see an open date- give us a call! let’s share the love together!  

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