many moons ago :), i attended a camp called super summer mississippi that takes place at mississippi college in clinton… mississippi, obviously. it’s a leadership camp where one had to go through certain requirements to attend. as a camper, it was about 400 students, very personal, and tons of time invested in the Word and what it says.
this past week, it was around 1000 students, still personal and we dug through scripture like it was our job 🙂
a super communicator by the name of greg pinkner of knoxville was our speaker & and super worship leader, dave hunt, and his posse band from nashville were bringing the music… and God was glorified :).
upgrading from many to a few moons ago, i had the privilege to be under dave’s leadership at FBC Nashville working as a youth intern as well as a singer in the worship band. i learned more in that time about what i do now more than any other time or place i’ve been a part of. as we walk through seasons in our lives, we see things more clearly at times than others. looking back i realize what a precious time this was for me- learning, growing, walking in the calling… and trying to figure out how to do that 🙂
super summer mississippi this week was a little mini-reunion, for me anyway. singing behind someone i consider a mentor and a great teacher of leading it was such an encouraging moment this week. and it wasnt planned- just happened to work out that way…
it was a flood of memories that reminded me why i do what i do- mainly b/c that’s how i’m wired and what i was created for… we all have something we were created for and you know what that is… so how are you gonna live it out?
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