

This phrase has been on my mind much lately. “I will go.” Go. GO. It’s an action. It’s not mentioning it and then maybe or maybe not… it’s doing something. It’s moving. It’s changing- not just the ‘GO-er’ but the ‘GO-ees’ – the ones that are effected by the  ‘GO-er’s. Isn’t that what…

we are ALL called to do as believers in Christ? We speak so much of my friend Natalie but do we stop to think that GOing isn’t just heading off to a foreign land? That is her calling, so what’s yours? What’s your ‘GO’?

GOing could be sitting with the person that doesn’t look like you at lunch or trying to get to know the coworker everyone shy’s away from due to rumors or assumptions. GOing. GO.

And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the

least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to Me! Matthew 25:40

Don’t know where to GO? Or to whom to GO to? A good place to start is in prayer. Praying that the Lord would grant a compassion to your heart for those around you that He wants you to GO to.  Who is your ‘least of these’? Funny thing is, so many times in my own life I’ve thought it OK to point to the ‘least of these’ because they aren’t like me. Hearts of the ‘GO-er’s might change as we are reminded by a daily time in the Word that we are all nothing without Christ:

‘…apart from Me you can do nothing.’ John 15:5c

So today, would you try something? Perspective change. Ask the Lord to show you the world through His eyes. Maybe the lady serving you lunch or the guy that cuts you off in traffic becomes a focus of prayer instead of frustration. Maybe the kid who wears the same coat everyday with holes in it and the lady missing a few teeth in line behind you become your least of these or the family member who has yet to know Christ… maybe they all become your ‘GO-ee’s. I like that word. 🙂

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